Founded between 1070 and 1077, the monastery is said to be based on an old Slavic legend about the battle between the pagan god, Perun, defeated by Prince Vladomir, the father of Byzantine Christianity in the region. ... Hotels; Flights; Car Rentals; Cruises. Select a City: Select a city, Chernovtsy, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine, Ivano Frankovsk, Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, Kremenchug, Ukraine, Luhansk (Lugansk), Ukraine, Lvov, Ukraine ...
... en una cabina similar ha viajado el se?or stevenson? me pregunto que hará durante el trayecto, en qué parada se bajará? dafne sigue comiendo pipas, guarda las cáscaras en su mano cerrada? alzo la mirada y le descubro, es vladomir, ...